Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fail You Will

Ok, so I made this poster for my classroom today. It took about 3 hours and was a HUGE pain in the ass to get hung, but all in all I'm pleased with it. It's meant to encourage the kids to finish what they start, but after further reflection I realize it might discourage them from even trying. That's the learning environment I want to cultivate: if you don't succeed the first time, quit. Even so, I bet no one's tried fighting illiteracy with the FORCE yet. We'll see how it goes. Yoda's never steered me wrong before.


About Michael Phelps and That Bong Picture...

Hey, person at the party taking pictures of Michael Phelps smoking pot, fuck you. I'm guessing you probably went to that party specifically to try and mingle with the guy. Don't lie, it's O.K. to be star struck. But now you wanna take your little picture and make some cash by exploiting a 23 year-old having a good time at a party? What did they pay you for that picture? Was it enough to ruin someone's career?

Oh, by the way, what the fuck were YOU doing at a party where people were passing around a bong? Handing out Chick Tracts? Michael Phelps smokes pot. So what? It's not like he was hurting anyone, or anything, or even himself, he was at a college party smoking pot. Get a fucking life. At least he doesn't have to go to bed tonight feeling like he snitched out someone for 15 minutes of fame and a few bucks.

By the way, I'm not a sports guy. I watched about 15 minutes of Beijing Olympics. I'm not defending the guy because I'm a fan. I don't even smoke (pot or otherwise). I just hate seeing these finger-pointing, holier-than-though cocksuckers making a buck off of someone's misery.

Snitches get stitches,